Organic Chemistry Analytical Laboratory

Organic Chemistry Analytical Laboratory

The Organic Chemistry Lab provides high quality analytical services for the determination of a large number of both anthropogenic and natural organic compounds in the marine environment (seawater, marine sediments and organisms):

  • Aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and petroleum hydrocarbons
  • Organochlroninated compounds including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
  • Pesticides and insecticides
  • n-alkanes, sterols, aliphatic alcohols, fatty acids
  • Methane
  • Marine biotoxins
  • Phytoplankton pigments
  • Aminoacids
  • Antibiotics

The Lab is equipped with: two gas chromatographs – mass spectrometers, a gas chromatograph with FID and ECD, a high performance liquid chromatograph with FLD and DAD and a liquid chromatograph – mass spectrometer.

The Lab is certified by the Hellenic Accreditation System SA – ESYD according to ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, since 2013 and follows Quality Control/Quality Assurance procedures. The accuracy of the analyses is confirmed through the participation in international intercalibration exercises (e.g. QUASIMEME, IAEA/MEL) and the use of certified reference materials.

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