Ocean Physics

The Ocean Physics Department is active in both coastal and open-ocean marine areas, in the following fields:

a) Hydrodynamic circulation, mixing processes and climate change challenges, b) Air – sea interactions, c) Development and application of numerical modelling for hydrodynamic circulation and marine ecosystem dynamics, d) Technological innovations for the continuous monitoring of critical parameters and pollutants in the marine environment, development of diffusion and turbulent mixing models and methods, e) Renewable energy marine sources (wind, wave, solar, currents and thermal variations), f) Underwater acoustics and g) Data management (collection, processing, quality control, storing) and hosting in databases.

In this context, it contributes, amongst others, to:

  • the study and monitoring of climate change and oceanic processes with long-term recording of oceanic parameters, through field work with research vessels, deployment and operation of monitoring stations, remote sensing techniques assisted by satellite or other autonomous instruments and platforms,
  • the study of oceanographic processes through radiation detectors and the development of in-situ sensor technology for radionuclide detection with a variety of applications in the marine environment (radio-contamination, water resources, geophysics, meteorology, energy resources),
  • the development of construction technologies and systems related to marine renewable energy sources, and
  • the operational use of marine spatial information and oceanographic parameters databanks.

To effectively utilise the  generated knowledge, and to support both national and European marine research strategies, the Department continouslt develops interdisciplinary collaborations with the other Sectors of the Institute of Oceanography,  national academic institutions,  and with foreign research and/or academic institutions.

The Department incorporates eight discrete units:

  1. Climate change monitoring and study unit
  2. Marine ecosystem modelling unit
  3. Wave and coastal zone modelling unit
  4. Underwater radiation laboratory and in-situ radiation sensors development unit
  5. Marine renewable energy and energy systems development and construction unit
  6. Instrument maintenance and management laboratory
  7. Underwater acoustics research and technology unit
  8. Marine information & data management unit
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