Ocean Observatories & Operational Oceanography

The main activities of the Ocean Observatories and Operational Oceanography division can be summarized as follows:

  • Support and operation of an integrated ocean observatory in the Greek Seas consisted by a number of observing platforms: fixed stations, profilers, gliders, ferry boxes, cabled seabed platform.
  • Production of short term forecasts regarding the weather, sea state, hydrodynamic and ecosystem status of the Greek Seas and of the Mediterranean basin. Hindcasts and reanalysis products are also available for the hydrodynamic and sea state conditions. High-resolution numerical modeling products can be delivered for selected coastal areas.
  • Provision of Operational Oceanography services such as:

– Oil drift simulation and forecasting products.

– Processed forecasting products, satellite measurements and insitu recordings can be delivered in comprehensive reports to marine related organizations and to the public.

– Delivery of forecasting products to support the Search and Rescue Activities in the marine environment

The Ocean Observatories and Operational Oceanography division contains the following teams:

  • The observing component team
  • The numerical modeling team
  • The observatories technical support and marine technology team
  • The data center team
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