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The research activities of the department of Marine Chemistry focus on the study of the chemical processes that control the functioning and the evolution of marine ecosystems and their response to natural variability and anthropogenic pressures. They are supported by advanced research infrastructure.
The researchers and scientists of the department participate in the implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD), as well as relevant EU level-issues on through European funded projects.
The Department consists of researchers, postdoctoral scientists, graduate students and technicians. The main scientific fields of the department of Marine Chemistry are:
- Nutrient dynamics – Eutrophication
- Marine pollution
- Organic Biogeochemistry
- Diagenetic and sedimentation processes in marine sediments
- Dissolved and greenhouse gasses and their role to the biogeochemistry of sea water
- Climate and human-driven changes and associated impacts on the biogeochemical cycles in the marine ecosystems
- Study of Extreme Environments
- Paleo-environmental and paleo-climatic changes
- Marine litter, macro- and micro-plastics in seawater and sediments
- Marine biotoxins