
Within the framework of the EU Mission for Oceans, Seas and Waters, the BlueMissionMed project coordinates and supports actions to restore, prevent and address pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.
Through a multifaceted and multidisciplinary approach coordinated along the direction of the EU Mission’s objectives, BlueMissionMed operates as a platform for networking and interconnecting businesses and research organizations to strengthen the innovation ecosystem and startup entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean and develop transformative solutions in the private and public sectors.
In particular, HCMR-IO focuses on identifying the technological trends and needs to achieve the objectives of the Mission Objective on ‘zero pollution of our seas and waters’ and on mobilizing the authorities and bodies for the participatory design of the “Road Map” for the Mediterranean countries.
Expected outcomes:
● Structuring the Mediterranean Sea basin governance and networking.
● Empower and support the Mediterranean Sea basin innovation ecosystem.
● Framing opportunities, needs and gaps for the ecosystem of innovation.
● Ensure the transfer and implementation of best practices at European and international level.
● Contribute to the monitoring of the Mission implementation in the Mediterranean area.
● Increase the awareness about the EU Mission and promote the connection and involvement of citizens.
Main SDGs addressed
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 14: Life below water
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Project duration: 01/2023-12/2025
Project website:
HCMR PI & contact person: Dr. Christina Zeri (