HCMR contact person: Dr. Paraskevi Pitta
Geographic Coverage:
1) of the project is Europe, from Crete (Greece) to Copenhagen (Denmark) and from Barcelona (Spain) to Cyprus,
2) of HCMR is Cretan Sea and South Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean).
Duration: 1/10/2017 – 31/8/2021

This H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions ITN project aims at exploring the importance of a new "concept" regarding the basis of the marine microbial food web and re-examines the location, importance and involvement of “mixotrophic” micro-organisms in it, as new studies show that these organisms are the norm and not the exception.
The project includes 8 European partners (universities and research centers), three companies and two US partners, all of them experts on mixotrophy. The project aims to educate young scientists on this issue that will most likely change the way we perceive life in the marine environment.
Project website: https://www.mixotroph.org/the-mixitin-consortium-draft/