This project is financed by DG Environment with the aim to support the Competent Authorities (CAs) of the Mediterranean Member States towards the implementation of the second phase of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, its New GES decision and Programme of Measures.
Further to this, the project contributes to regional/subregional cooperation supporting the 2nd cycle of the MSFD and play a strategic role to the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) having within the Mediterranean region 4 National Competent Authorities (Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) as partners within the project’s consortium, therefore it has an Institutional role reflected in the Activities undertaken to ensure that the CAs are involved and consulted throughout the work of the project and that the deliverables and other outcomes of the project could/should be endorsed by the Competent Authorities to reflect their views and needs, in the extend is possible.
Furthermore, the project has provisions for strong effective links with the Non EU Mediterranean States, through UNEP/MAP involvement in its Advisory Board and the RACs and Plan Blue participation as partners. The project is coordinated by HCMR.
Geographic Coverage: Mediterranean – institutions from Greece, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Croatia, Tunisia are partners (with the support of Malta, Montenegro and Albania).
Duration: 24 months
Project website: