Marine biotoxins
Marine biotoxins are naturally occurring chemicals, produced by certain types of toxic algae that accumulate in fish and shellfish.
When people consume such contaminated seafood, depending on the toxins, the symptoms can be diarrheic (DSP), paralytic (PSP), amnesic (ASP), and neurologic (NSP). The research at the Marine Chemistry Department focuses on the determination and study of DSP (okadaic acid, Yessotoxin, Pectenotoxin) and ASP (Domoic acid) toxins.
Nutrient dynamics – Eutrophication
Marine pollution
Organic Biogeochemistry
Diagenetic and sedimentation processes in marine sediments
Dissolved and greenhouse gasses and their role to the biogeochemistry of sea water
Climate and human-driven changes and associated impacts on the biogeochemical cycles in the marine ecosystems
Study of Extreme Environments
Paleo-environmental and paleo-climatic changes
Marine litter, macro- and micro-plastics in seawater and sediments
Marine biotoxins