November 29, 2019
Contribution of Greek Research Centers to dealing with natural disasters November 22, 2019
Anchors Away: Networking event on mitigating the impact of anchoring on Posidonia beds November 18, 2019
KATERINA II detection system was integrated in the floating measuring station of the POSEIDON system. October 19, 2019
Plastic Busters MPAs actions to combat marine litter featured at an info day held in Athens August 3, 2019
How do we know if sea is “clean or polluted”? June 11, 2019
Environmental impact assessment study on the Agia Zoni II oil spill incident presented at the 13th meeting of the focal points of REMPEC June 11, 2019
Harmful effects of plastic use May 1, 2019
Plastics threaten marine environment and our health April 2, 2019
The Region of Crete supports the research-scientific work of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) March 4, 2019
Cooperation for a marine research program in the islands of the South Aegean Sea January 15, 2019
All measurements suggest that toxic pollution in the fire-stricken area of Mati (Attika) has been limited and below the upper permitted levels December 27, 2018
HCMR – Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis December 27, 2018
Geologist of HCMR warns: a tsounami could occur in Greece December 4, 2018
New parasite decimates giant clam species in Mediterranean July 31, 2018
POSBEMED trifold brochures & poster June 14, 2018
Are you going for a swim this summer?
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