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Position: Technical Scientist Under Contract
Expertise: Geographer Geomorphologist
Premises: athens
Vandarakis Dimitrios (Msc, Ph.D.) is a geographer - geomorphologist and he is currently employed at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (EL.KE.TH.E.) as a scientific associate since April 2015. He obtained his degree from the Department of Geography of Harokopio University in 2005 (2001-2005). He then successfully attended a Postgraduate Program in Paris, France and in particular at the Paris XII Valle de Marne University (2005-2006) on Dynamic Environments. From 2007 to 2013 he completed his Ph.D. thesis, where he was awarded a Ph.D. (July 2013) from the Department of Geography of Harokopio University. In his scientific career he has participated in over 20 research projects, mainly Geomorphological, Geoarchaeological, Cartographic and Oceanographic. He has participated also in land and sea samplings (using drilling rigs of all types, box corer, gravity core etc.). He is professional UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Pilot (UAS Pilot A, UAS Pilot and UAS Pilot C). 

He has completed undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Harokopio University (since 2008) and ASPAITE. He has participated in over 25 international and local conferences. 

He has more than 27 scientific publications in Impact Factor journals, conference proceedings, etc. He is currently working on the coastal management and coastal vulnerability assessment.
Telephone: (0030) 2291076378
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