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Position: Technician Under Contract
Expertise: Physicist Oceanographer
Premises: athens
Born in Athens, 1985. Graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Physics (2011). Field: Environmental Physics and Meteorology, BSc thesis: "Weather bioclimatic classification in the greater Aegean Archipelagos". 

MSc in Environmental Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Physics (2014).
MSc thesis: "Red Sea response to interannual variability of atmospheric conditions".  Working as a research assistant at the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography, Anavyssos (2015-today).

 Main activities and responsibilities:
- Working for the Med-waves component of the Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (Research projects: CMEMS MED MFC, CMEMS MED MFC II)
- Satellite Sea Surface Temperature data analysis, application and evaluation of statistical-dynamical observation operator for SST data assimilation in the POSEIDON forecasting model (Research project: SOSSTA)
- Supporting the POSEIDON system's helpdesk
- Studying the perspectives of marine renewable energy development in the Mediterranean Sea, wind and wave data analysis (Research projects: BLUENE, ΚΑΠΕ)

· E. Jansen, S. Pimentel, W.-H Tse, D. Denaxa, G. Korres, I. Mirouze and A. Storto. Using canonical correlation analysis to produce dynamically based and highly efficient statistical observation operators, Ocean Sci., 15, 1023–1032,, 2019

· S. Pimentel, S. Tse, H. Xu, D. Denaxa, E. Jansen, G. Korres, I. Mirouze and A. Storto. Modelling the Near Surface Diurnal Cycle of Sea Surface Temperature in the Mediterranean Sea.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (1), 171-183, 2019

· Soukissian, T.H.; Denaxa, D.; Karathanasi, F.; Prospathopoulos, A.; Sarantakos, K.; Iona, A.; Georgantas, K.; Mavrakos, S. Marine Renewable Energy in the Mediterranean Sea: Status and
Perspectives. Energies 2017, 10, 1512.
Telephone: (0030) 2291076414
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