Position: Research Director
Expertise: Biologist Oceanographer
Department: Biological Oceanography
Premises: athens
klDr Kalliopi Pagou (female). Research Director, Institute of Oceanography-HCMR. She had her BSc. on Biology, her MSc. on Biological Oceanography and a PhD on Environmental Sciences. She has more than 30 years’ experience in marine research & policy. Her main research interests include: Phytoplankton ecology and physiology, community structure and function in coastal and open sea areas, primary production – biological processes – carbon flow, eutrophication assessment and indicators, marine ecosystems studies disturbed by human activities, study of Harmful Algal Blooms and their relation to marine food webs and toxicity experiments in field and laboratory. She has participated in more than 55 national and international research projects, among which she was the coordinator/scientific responsible in 22. She was recently the Coordinator of four projects funded by DG ENV (EU), the IRIS-SES (2014-2015), ActionMed (2015-20116, the MEDCIS project (2017-2019), the MEDREGION project (2019-2021) and currently the ABIOMMED project (2021-2023) also funded by DG ENV on MSFD implementation in Mediterranean and Black Sea, whereas she participated in the BLUEMED CSA H2020 (Blow growth in Mediterranean) and the PRORES H2020 (on research ethics) projects and currently to the DOORS project (H2020, Blue Growth in Black Sea) as PI for the HCMR participation. Involvement in several national and international committees, working groups and societies related to eutrophication issues (in EC, UNEP consultation group on MED POL, EEA). Actively involved in the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60 (WFD) in coastal & transitional waters, as well as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive ((MSFD, 2008/56/EC), being a nominated expert in European working groups. Nominated by the administrative board of HCMR to support the implementation of MSFD Directive in Greece, being also the coordinator of the national project (2018-2023) on “Monitoring and recording the situation of the marine sub-regions of Greece / Upgrading and functional updating of the MSFD monitoring network. Ministry of Development & Investment, National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)”. She has more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals and Book chapters, more than 100 Communications in congresses with proceedings and she is the author and co-author of 130 technical reports.
Email: popi@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076409