Position: Technician
Expertise: Biologist Technician
Department: Biological Oceanography
Premises: athens
A. EDUCATION 2004: Postgraduate diploma (MSc) in the “Integrated Coastal Zone Management” Department of Sea Science, Faculty of Environment of Aegean University. Very well (8,01) 1991: Degree of Ichthyologoy T.E. Department of Ichthyology and Fishery, Faculty of Technological Agriculture, TEI of Mesolonghi. Very well (7,83) Language: English (Degree of Cambridge First Certificate - Grade C). PC user: Acquaintance of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Corel Draw of statistical parcel of SPSS, and basic knowledge of IMAGE ANALYSIS. Handling of speedboat: Holder of authorisation of operator of speedboat B. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 1/3/90 - 15/9/90: Aquaculture center of Acheloos S.A (ACEA S.A.) 1/5/93 - 28/2/96: Hellas Fisheries S.A. (Hatchery station, Department of phytoplankton and zooplankton) 1/11/96-today: HCMR – Institute of Oceanography / Department of Biological Oceanography C. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Operation and management of lagoons and productivity improvement methods with modern methods of catchery facilities and enrichment. Recognition of wild fish species (bream, bass, and cephalus) in lagoons and coastal areas. Organization, planning and operation of phytoplankton and live food sections (rotifers artemia) in hatcheries. Preparation and full treatment of the samples to determine the biomass of zooplankton. Preparation and complete processing of samples for the determination of pigments using and operating the spectrometer and fluorometer and sample measurements using primary production and operation of Scintillation counter. Support of the phytoplankton culture bank (maintenance and renewal 8 cultured phytoplankton species for present and future studies phytoplankton). - Training students in learning the techniques for determining biomass of zooplankton and phytoplankton pigment concentration. - Participation in samples with R / V AEGEAN, R / V Philia or local fishing boats running on field collecting samples of chlorophyll, phytoplankton, mikrozooplagkton, zooplankton, participation in primary production experiments (14C, 15N) in international and Greek projects. Fisheries proposals management in lagoons as well as between environment and fish farms for the needs of programs in which the unit of biological analysis of biogeochemical laboratory participates. Participation in the reference of the planktonic and environmental results in several technical reports. Participation in several conferences and symposiums in the form of oral presentations or posters.
Email: tzoulias@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076341