Position: Technician
Expertise: Chemist
Department: Marine Chemistry
Premises: athens
Panayiota Zachioti is a Lab Technician and the majority of her work is in the Laboratory Unit of nutrients at the Institute of Oceanography( HCMR). Specifically actively participate in field work in many research programs (sampling and onboard analysis of dissolved oxygen, phosphate and ammonium salts) carried out by the research vessels of HCMR (R / V AEGEAN and E / A Filia ) and with available boats within Greek seas. In addition to her laboratory activities including sample preparation, the measurement of dissolved oxygen, nutrient analysis in seawater samples, water resources and sediment samples using the automated analyzer BRAN + LUEBBE AAIII and spectrophotometer UV-VIS Perkin Elmer. Also including ordering and stocking chemicals, chemical reagent preparation, standards preparation, calibration of PHmeters, clean and storage laboratory equipment.
Email: yioulaz@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076356