Position: research scientist
Expertise: Biologist Oceanographer
Department: Marine Data & Information Systems
Premises: athens
Mrs Paraskevi Drakopoulou, (MSc) Environmental Scientist, She has graduated from the University of the Aegean, Department of the Environment in 1993. She has received a MSc degree in Marine Biology from the University of Crete in 1996. Since 1996 she is employed as a Research Assistant in the Institute of Oceanography. She is responsible of the Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing Unit of the IO. Her research activities are focused on application of modern expertise in the framework of GIS modeling and Remote Sensing analysis, in order to study the marine and coastal environment. In more details, her expertise includes spatial analysis, statistics and visualization of land and marine data, geodatabase design and development for coastal zone management, as well as for the implementation of EU directives (HD, WFD, MSFD), marine spatial planning, seascape visualization, cartography and seafloor mapping (bathymetric and habitat maps), marine protected areas, shoreline changes monitoring and analysis, environmental hazard, vulnerability and risk GIS. Her thesis as a PhD candidate (since 2012) is in the field of "satellite bathymetry and habitat mapping". During her professional scientific experience she has participated in more than 40 research projects most of which have been funded by the EU. Some recent projects are EMODNET-1,2,3 (Bathymetry, EUSeaMap, Geology, CheckPoints), COCONET, ADRIPLAN, WFD monitoring, MSFD Monitoring, IRIS-SES, ActionMed, MEDCIS etc.
Email: vivi@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076377