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Position: Technician
Expertise: Chemist
Department: Marine Chemistry
Premises: athens
Afrodite Androni is a technical scientist and lab technician at the organic chemistry laboratory of the marine chemistry department of the Institute of Oceanography. 

Her main laboratory skills are related with the use of CHN analyzer for the determination of organic compounds such as carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in environmental samples (suspended matter of seawater, biomass and sea sediments) and the use of wet oxidation method for the determination of particulate organic compounds (nitrogen, carbon and phosphate) in seawater.

Since 1996 she has participated in plenty of scientific cruises using several oceanographic sampling techniques and in mesocosms experinments (Corsica and Crete).

As a technical scientist has contributed to several publications, data reports and conferences concerning the biochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and their stoichiometry, the organic elements export fluxes in oceanic systems and Gulfs, the particle distribution and composition in aquatic systems, marine particle’s origin using optic methods.

M.Sc. in Oceanography, Environment Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
B.Sc in Food technology, Department of Food Science and human nutrition, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
Telephone: (0030) 2291076360
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