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Position: Technician
Expertise: Chemist
Department: Marine Chemistry
Premises: athens
Curriculum Vitae 							
Name: George  Pappas

1986 – till now: Hellenic Centre for marine Research
1984- 1985: Milk Greek Industry (EVGA)
1983: General Chemical State Laboratory

Student at Department of Food Technology at Technical University of Athens
Language Skills English (basic knowledge)

In 1986, I undertook my duties at the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR). Since then, I worked at the laboratory of nutrients, specialized in dissolved oxygen and nutrients distribution in seawater. During that time I analysed samples with an Autoanalyzer. After that I worked at the laboratory of heavy metals, where I used an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer analysing samples of seawater and sediments. At the last 30 years I have participated in a lot of cruises at the Hellenic coast line and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Black & Red Sea. A large number of them was part of European projects that HCMR was participating. During the research cruises I have took part in samplings of sea water, suspended matter and sediments for all the kind of analyses. Moreover, I have took part in zoo- and phyto-plankton samplings. I am well experienced in sediments sampling with the use of Box and Multi corer. Furthermore, I have participated in deployments of sediments traps and seismic buoys.


• Papoulia J., Makris J., Ilinski D.and the SEAHELLARC Network Group: Ballas D., Elnikov A. , Martinenko A., Pagonis P., Pampidis J., Pappas G., Tsambas A., 2009. “A Near real time onshore/offshore seismic and tsunami network in the southwestern hellenic arc”, 9th Panhellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries.
Telephone: (0030) 2291076333
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