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Position: Technician
Expertise: Geologist
Department: Marine Geology & Geophysics
Premises: athens
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Department of Technological Applications, (EKPA, Chalkida),  1983-1987, Degree: Very Good (7,1).

Postgraduate Studies, Hellenic Open University, Department of Science and Technology, "Quality Assurance" Program, 2005-2009, Grade Degree: Very Good (8,1).

Follow-up of a 4-month seminar on "Exploitation of Renewable Energy Sources". (February, 1989).

In October 1995, I was trained in the computer repair workshop in Vienna (Austria), in the DTK Computers manufacturing laboratory.

In November 1998, I was trained in Philips workshops in Almelo (Netherlands), using and optimizing the XRF (PW-2400) and the PW series in general. The duration of the training was 15 days.

In February 1999, I trained at Philips Laboratories in Eithoven (Netherlands), in the use and optimization of the SEM XL-20 electron microscope, and in the XL series electron microscopes in general. The duration of the training was 15 days.

In June 2004 I attended a training seminar of Spectro Technic Ltd on "Developments and new data in the preparation of XRF samples", held in Piraeus on June 7, 2004. 

In February 2005 I attended a seminar of Hellamco SA, entitled "Elementary Analysis using Ray-X Spectrometry ", held in Athens on February 15, 2005.

In October 2005 I attended a seminar of the companies ANTISEL SA and PANalytical, on "X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry", held in Athens on October 20, 2005.

In November 2007 I attended a seminar of HELLAMCO SA and PANalytical on Radiation-X Spectroscopy, held in Athens on November 14, 2007.

In March 2015, I attended a seminar of HELLAMCO SA on "Latest Advances in Electron Microscopy", held in Athens on March 11, 2015.

In July of 2019 I attended a seminar of Greek Chemical Union, for ne New ISO-17025. I take part in a lot of web seminars about the XRF.

From March 1989 until April 1991, I worked at the National Center for Marine Research (EKΘΕ), as a technician and operator of the Raygen-X diffractometer (Rigaku - Japan), in the Department of Marine Geology.

From June 1991 until June 1997 I worked as a Director of the Technical Department at Computer Center A.E., which I organized while I trained abroad (Austria) on computer repairs.
In June 1997, I returned to the National Center for Marine Research to get responcibility of the X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku DB / Max), X-ray fluorimeter (Pw-2400 of PAnalytical) .

Micromeritics Sedigraph 5000. Sediment granulometric analysis apparatus using X-ray, Micromeritics Ultrasonic dispenser. Ultrasonic device for the homogenization and conjugation of specimens for granulometric analysis. Sediment samplers. Geotechnical sedimentation study devices.
Rigaku XR-D. X-ray diffractometry instrument for mineral analysis.
PAnalytical PW-2400 XR-F. Apparatus for the determination of essential elements and trace elements by the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy method.
Electronic Microscopy
Philips / FEI XL20. Electronic Scanning Microscope, with integrated EDAX microanalyzer and photographic system. 

Participated in more than 100 studies-technical reports and 20 announcements and oral presentations in Greek and International Conferences 
Telephone: (0030) 2291076351
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