Position: Research Director
Expertise: Physicist Oceanographer
Department: Marine Observatories and Operational Oceanography
Premises: athens
Dr. G. Korres holds a Ph.D in Physical Oceanography (1996) from the University of Athens, a M.Sc in Physical Oceanography (1992) and a B.Sc in Physics (1989). He is a Director of Research of the Institute of Oceanography of HCMR. He has 77 papers published in peer reviewed scientific journals (50) and books (27). His research interests and experience include advanced ocean and wind waves modelling and forecasting, operational oceanography, model initialization and data assimilation techniques, wave – currents interactions and air-sea interaction processes. Dr. Korres is the national focal point for the Greek Argo program and a member of the management Board of the EuroArgo ERIC. He coordinates the Greek Argo infrastructure and network. He is the scientific responsible for data assimilation, waves and hydrodynamic modelling and forecasting of the Poseidon monitoring and forecasting system (www.poseidon.hcmr.gr). As a researcher he has been involved in 33 EU and national research projects including MEDMEX, CLIVAMP, ENVIWAVE, MFSPP, MFSTEP, CORI, FERRYBOX, MedEcos, INSEA, POSEIDON I&II&III, ECOOP, JERICO, IONIO, MYWAVE, MYOCEAN1&2. PI in EuroArgo PP, CORI, MyOcean, MyOcean2, SIDERI, MyWave and MyOcean FO and CMEMS MED MFC EU projects.Coordinator of the GreekArgo national project (2012-2015). Since 2015 he is the Scientific Expert for both phases (Phase I: 2015 – 2018 ; Phase II: 2018 – 2021) of the Copernicus CMEMS Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre(MED MFC) and overall responsible for the development, production and validation of short to mid range wind waves forecasts over the Mediterranean basin withinCMEMS Med MFC.
Email: gkorres@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076402