Position: Associate Researcher
Expertise: Physicist Oceanographer
Department: Ocean Physics
Premises: athens
Dr. Dionisis Patiris is associate researcher of the Institute of Oceanography at Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (IO-HCMR) since 2019. He was post-doctoral researcher in the research group of marine radioactivity since 2009. He earned his bachelor diploma in Physics in the Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, Greece (2002) and also his doctoral degree in Environmental Radioactivity in the laboratory of Nuclear Physics of the same department (2008). His thesis focused on the study of radon daughters’ behavior in atmospheric air. During this period he earned a fellowship for the post-graduate program “Postgraduate studies in Physics” from the Department of Physics, the University of Ioannina. As postdoctoral researcher, he earned scholarship from the Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation for postdoctoral research in the field of Oceanography / Soil and Water Resources Science (2010). He has participated in more than 24 national and international research projects (1 as WP leader, 1 as coordinator). He participates in the HCMR’s Education Unit and Scientific Diving team. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Environmental radioactivity – Radioecology Radio-tracing techniques by in-situ measurements of radioactivity in the marine environment and the atmosphere Detection instruments and technology on Nuclear Physics and Marine Sciences Until October 2019 he has 36 publications in peer-reviewed international journals (according to Scopus Oct 2019) with 344 citation and h-index: 12. Also, he has participated with oral presentations and posters in 13 international and more than 45 national conferences. For updates please visit his Scopus Author Details. His teaching experience regards the following part-time positions: Lecturer in the Postgraduate Program of Hellenic Military Geographical Service (18 months) and assistant in laboratory exercise of University of Ioannina (3 years). He has been invited lecturer in seminars organized by the Georgian Geophysical Institute and the Physics Departments of the University of Ioannina and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since 2013, he has participated in numerous science festivals, science communication actions and expeditions supporting the dissemination activities of the IO-HCMR.
Email: dpatiris@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076408