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Position: Senior Researcher
Expertise: Biologist Oceanographer
Department: Biological Oceanography
Premises: athens
Catherine Tsangaris, MSc, PhD, biologist ecotoxicologist, Senior Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, HCMR. 

Main research interests: biological effects of pollution, biomarkers of pollutant exposure and effects, bioassays, bioaccumulation of pollutants, environmental monitoring and environmental risk assessment, marine litter, microplastics. 

She has been working for more than 15 years in the field of ecotoxicology and the assessment of pollution and stress effects in marine organisms. Actively involved in a number of EU (e.g. ACTIONMED, MEDCIS, IRIS-SES, SCALES, PERSEUS-IP, MYTIMED, BEEP, FISCI) and national projects related to environmental stress effects, pollution assessment, environmental monitoring in marine coastal waters as well as the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Recently involved in European research projects addressing marine litter (Plastic Busters MPAs, INDICIT, MEDSEALITTER, DeFishGear, CLEANSEA, MERMAID) focusing on work on microplastics. 

Nominated by the administrative board of HCMR to support the implementation of MSFD Directive in Greece, and currently specific responsible for Descriptor 9. Author of more than 80 scientific publications in journals, books, conference proceedings and technical reports, 30of which in peer-reviewed journals. 
Telephone: (0030) 2291076379
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