Position: Research Director
Expertise: Marine Chemist
Department: Marine Chemistry
Premises: athens
Dr. Helen Kaberi, Chemist, Oceanographer, Research Director. PhD in Chemical Oceanography (1995), MSc in Oceanography (1989), BSc in Chemistry (1986) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). Her main research activities include the study of metal pollution in bottom sediments and suspended particles; sedimentation rates and pollution history; study of radionuclides as tracers of water masses and contaminants; study of marine litter on the coastal zone and microplastics in sediments and beaches. She is actively involved as the principal investigator or team leader in a number of EU and national projects for the Mediterranean Sea related to marine litter, contaminants and the implementation of the MSFD (INDICIT II-EU, PLASTIC BUSTERS MPAs-INTERREG MED, MEDREGION-EU, INDICIT-EU, MEDSEALITTER -INTERREG MED, PERSEUS-EU, MERMAID-ERA NET, CLEANSEA-EU, DeFishGear-INTERREG, Implementation of MSFD in Greek waters- National, MELTEMI- Balcan MED, ACTIONMED-EU, MEDCIS-EU, COASTAL- EU). She is currently a member of the working group for the MSFD implementation in Greece, of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Oceanography (2015-today) and the Board of the Hellenic Oceanographers' Association. Author/co-author of more than 50 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and more than 130 in proceedings of international and national conferences. In addition, she is Handling Editor of the Mediterranean Marine Science journal and reviewer in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Email: ek@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076387