Position: Senior Researcher
Expertise: Marine Chemist
Department: Marine Chemistry
Premises: athens
Christina Zeri, Chemist Oceanographer, Research Director. She has received a BSc in Chemistry (1985) and a PhD in Chemical Oceanography (1994) from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Oceanography (2015-today). Her research interests span dissolved trace metals biogeochemistry; dissolved organic matter (DOM) cycling and its optical properties; marine pollution by metals, plastics and microplastics. Lately her research focuses on microplastics pollution and in the development of relevant methodologies. She has participated, either as a principal investigator or a group member, in numerous European and National research projects related to biogeochemical cycles in the Mediterranean and to marine litter. She has coordinated 4 national projects. She is active in research related to the implementation of MSFD and WFD Directives and she coordinates the national monitoring activities for D10 (Marine Litter). Member of the EU-Technical Group on Marine Litter (TGML) as national representative. She also collaborates with the UNEP/MAP as an independent expert. During the period 2008- 2011, she has been appointed as a part time lecturer at the Dept of Chemistry (NKUA) and gave lectures to undergraduate and MSc students on Chemical Oceanography and Environmental Pollution. She has supervised 4 PhD’s and several MSc theses, dissertations, internships. Author of more than 48 scientific papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals – books –special editions, and more than 100 conference proceedings. H-index 17, citations 1096. Scopus preview - Zeri, Christina - Author details - Scopus. She is a certified – outstanding reviewer for the Elsevier research journals.
Email: chris@hcmr.gr
Telephone: (0030) 2291076371