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Position: Research Director
Expertise: Marine Chemist
Department: Marine Chemistry
Premises: athens
Ekaterini Souvermezoglou is  a member  of  HCMR stuff since 1985  and  research director of the Institute of Oceanography since 2000.

She received her Ph.D. from the University of Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), in Chemical Oceanography by the means of scholar from French Ministry of Education. She also has a B. Sc. in Chemistry (1980, University of Athens Greece) and a DEA in Physics and Chemistry of the sea-water (1981, University of Paris VI).

At HCMR she organized the analysis of nutrient and oxygen in the open seas for the extensive study of the nutrient regime in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. 

She  also installed for the first time  in HCMR a precise potentiometric method for the simultaneous analysis of carbon dioxide and total alkalinity in seawater, based on the analytical and calculation procedure described by Dyrssen and Sillen (1967), Edmond (1970) and Bradshaw and Brewer (1980) and Bradshaw et al. (1981). Recently the measuring system was replaced by VINDTA 3C (Versatile INstrument for the Determination of Total inorganic carbon and titration Alkalinity). This instrument combines a system of the sea water titration with acid for the AT determination and a simplified extraction unit for coulometric analysis of the CT  (Dickson et al 2007).

She  was responsible for  the marine chemistry of several EU/International Projects: MED-POL , POEM, POEM-BC , ELNA (main contractor), PELAGOS, OTRANTO, MTP-II-MATER, INTERREG, KEYCOP, EUROCEAN, SESAME, MedSeA, PERSEUS, EUROFLEETS and intercalibration programs QUASIMEME, QUASH, etc.

She is interested  to biogeochemical cycles of C, N, P, Si.  Assimilation of nutrients in the sea water.
Transportation mechanisms of nutrients, in various ways to the euphotic zone from nutrient rich deep waters by winter mixing, deep water formation and recycling of nitrogen. The relationships between physical features and chemical properties of the water masses. Nutrients and carbon fluxes along different straits of Mediterranean. Carbon transport and relations to the principal biogeochemical phenomena. 

Her major scientific interests include the CO2 cycle and thermodynamics of CO2/HCO3/CO3 system in the sea water. Due to the high alkalinity and temperatures throughout the water column and the active deep overturning circulation, the Mediterranean Sea has the potential to sequester large amounts of anthropogenic CO2 (Cant). The increasing inorganic carbon content of the Mediterranean Sea leads to decrease of the carbonate ion and of the pH (acidification), affecting the marine organisms ability to make and keep their hard part.

She is interested to evaluate Cant storage in the Mediterranean and his possible alteration by the recent changes in the Mediterranean overturning circulation.

She is author or co-author of more than 45 publications in refereed  International Journals,  95 publications in Symposium Proceedings and 1260 citations.

Telephone: (0030) 2291076364
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