Member page
Position: Research Director
Expertise: Marine Geologist
Department: Marine Geology & Geophysics
Premises: athens
Personal Data
Birth Place: Athens, Greece
Birth Date: 1st May 1962
Marital Status: Married, two children
Languages: Greek, English, German
Title: Dr
Specialty: Structural/Marine Geologist
Position: Research Director, Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

1980-1984: BSc in Geology, Department of Geology, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
1984-1985: Post-graduate courses on tectonics and sedimentology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
1985-1989: PhD in Structural Geology, Institute of Geology, Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany

Professional Career
1991-1994: Scientific collaborator (on contracts), Department of Geology, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
1992-1995: Manager and Scientific Responsible of "Geoerevnitiki Ltd." small enterprise focusing on geological and hydrogeological studies and services
1995-2009: Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
2009-present: Research Director, Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research

Professional Services and Associations
Reviewer for Basin Research, Geodinamica Acta, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Marine Geophysical Researches, Geological Society Special Publication, Continental Shelf Research, Journal of the Geological Society, Journal of Maps, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, GeoMarine Letters, Marine Geology, Marine & Petroleum Geology, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Quaternary International, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece.
Peer Reviewer of the  Proposal for Extension of Directed Programme ‘UK Member ship of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and UK-IODP Enabling Science Programme 2008-2013"
External Evaluator for the promotion of Assist. Scientist R. Camilli as an Associate Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)(2009).
External Evaluator for the promotion of Associate Professor Justin Dix to the level 7 position of Personal Chair/ Professor at the University of Southampton. 
External Evaluator for the election of Dr Ch Kranis as Assistant Professor at the Department of Geology, University of Athens

Research Interests
Structural / Marine Geology with particular focus on active tectonics and geodynamics, evolution and sequence stratigraphy of sedimentary basins, the relationship between tectonics, sedimentation and sea level changes, Holocene geology, submarine landslides, submarine volcanism, cold seeps and mud volcanoes. Marine research is complemented with field work on land. Areas of research include the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Red Sea.
Current work in Structural/Marine Geology focuses on the geodynamics of the eastern Mediterranean with particular interest in the style of deformation, active tectonics, basin stratigraphy and marine geohazards in the Aegean Sea and the Hellenic Arc. Major, long-term tasks are to improve swath bathymetry and seismic profiling coverage in the Aegean Sea and the Hellenic Arc and Trench, with the aim to create a detailed map of offshore faults, assess their kinematics and provide comprehensive understanding of the active deformation and seismic hazard.
Underwater Geoarchaeological research, in particular survey and mapping of submerged archaeological remains in shallow and deep waters and the reconstruction of submerged prehistoric landscapes. Establishment in 2008 and coordination (along with Dr N. Flemming, NOC Southampton) since then the DEUKALION Planning Group, a European scale initiative to promote research on the submerged prehistoric landscapes and archaeology of the European continental self. Co-chair (along with Prof G. Bailey (York Univ.) of the COST Action TD0902 SPLASHCOS (2009-2013), a network of more than 200 geoscientists and archaeologists interested in the research on submerged prehistoric landscapes and archaeology. Member of the drafting group of the European Marine Board's position paper No 21 on "Land Beneath the Waves: Submerged landscapes and sea level change. A joint geoscience-humanities strategy for European Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research" (
Current work in Underwater Geoarchaeology focuses on the understanding of the interplay between the fluctuating sea-level and the vertical tectonic movements throughout Quaternary with the aim to reconstruct the submerged prehistoric landscapes in the Mediterranean, in particular in the Aegean Region and provide new ground for the underwater prehistory geo-archaeological research.

Honours and Awards
2004-2007: Chair of the Marine Geosciences Committee of CIESM
2004-2009: Head of the Department of Marine Geology-Geophysics of the Institute of Oceanography, HCMR
2005: 	Praise by the Greek Minister of Culture for exceptional achievements in underwater geoarchaeological research
2009-2013: Scientific Coordinator of the Underwater Activities Department (Underwater Vehicles) of HCMR,. Management and scientific coordination of the manned submersible Thetis, four remotely operating underwater vehicles (ROVs) and the scientific diving team of HCMR.
2014-present: Member of the 1st Permanent Scientific Committee for Seismotectonics, Earthquake Planning & Protection Organization, Greece.
2015-present: Member of the Board of the Association of Greek Researchers
2012-2018:	Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Oceanography, HCMR
2010: 	Invited Speaker: Sakellariou D., Flemming N. & Bailey G.: DEUKALION: submerged prehistoric landscapes and archaeology of the European continental shelf. Lunchtime Conference – DG MARE, Brussels ( cms/maritimeforum/node/1037)
2016: 	Invited Speaker: Sakellariou D.: The Aegean of the Prehistoric Humans: Submerged landscapes, sea-level changes and tectonic movements. 8th March 2016, Fitch-Wiener Labs Seminar Series, Athens
2016: 	Invited Speaker: Sakellariou D.: Underwater Geoarchaeology: Research across the boundaries between Marine Geosciences and Underwater Archaeology. 28th Nov. 2016, Upper House Seminar, British School at Athens
2018:	Invited Speaker: Sakellariou D.: Technology and multi-scientific collaboration for research on and documentation of underwater cultural heritage. 19th May 2018, International Days of Museum, Ephorate for Underwater Antiquities, Greece	
2019:	Invited Speaker: Sakellariou D. & Kapsimalis V.: Marine Geosciences and Technology meet Underwater Archaeology: Research Achievements and Perspectives in the Aegean. 21st Jan. 2019, French School, Athens

Seagoing Experience
1995-2007: Member of the scientific party and/or Chief Scientist of multiple research cruises in the Gulf of Corinth
2003: 	Member of the scientific party of ANAXIMANDER cruise, East Mediterranean Sea
2004: 	Chief Scientist of "AMPHITRITE" research cruise in the North Evia Gulf
2005: 	Member of the scientific party of the "THERA-2005" cruise in the South Aegean Sea, Santorini area.
2012: 	Chief Scientist of IGI POSEIDON cruise, Ionian Sea
2012-2013: 	Chief Scientist and co-PI of SISCOR cruises in the West Corinth Gulf
2013: 	Chief Scientist and co-PI of "DISPERSE" cruise in the Southern Red Sea, Farasan Islands
2013-2015: 	Member of the scientific party of multiple research cruises in the North Aegean Trough / Sea
2015: 	Chief Scientist and co-PI of "Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Map" 35-days cruise in the Black Sea
2016: 	Chief Scientist of "EurofleetsII LGT-AMORGOS-56" cruise in the Aegean Sea
2016: 	PI of "EurofleetsII LGT-GIOIA-77" cruise in the Tyrrhenian Sea
2017: 	Chief Scientist and PI of "South Aegean Geodynamics" cruise, Aegean Sea
2017: 	co-PI of NAFAS cruise in the North Aegean Sea
2018:	Chief Scientist of “West Patraikos Gulf”, 25-days cruise in the Inner Ionian Sea

IODP proposals
L. McNeill, I. Bailey, R. Bell, J. Bull, R. Collier, P. Cowie, G. Ferentinos, M. Ford, R. Gawthorpe, T. Henstock, C. Nixon, D. Sakellariou, C. Beck, P. Bernard, D. Christodoulou, F. Cornet, C. Ebinger, G. Ferentinos, A. Goodliffe, K. Kouli, H. Kranis, M. Leeder, M. Sachpazi, R. Smithells, B. Taylor, P. Umhoefer, C. Xuan, M. Behn, 2014. Drilling the Corinth Rift: Resolving the detail of active rift development (IODP-879 proposal)
The proposal was approved by the IODP Science Panel. The ECORD 371 Corinth Drilling Expedition took place on board the MSP FUGRO SYNERGY drilling vessel in October to December 2017. Three holes were drilled with maximum depths of 610, 710 and 400 m below the seafloor.

Research Projects
Scientific coordinator or member of the scientific team of more than 40 national, international and European research projects. List of recent research projects is given below:
2009-2013: SPLASHCOS - Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf - COST EU
2010-2011: IONIAN SEA PALEOTSUNAMIS - Quaternary tsunami events in the eastern Ionian Sea - reconstructing and modelling extreme events based on interdisciplinary geo-scientific investigations - German Research Foundation (DFG)
2011-2012: Corinth Virtual Site Survey - Integrating Geophysical Data for Syn-rift Stratigraphy, Fault and Basin Evolution and Advancing IODP Proposed Drilling - NERC UK
2011-2012: SISCOR, Hazard, seismogenic dynamics, and seismic/aseismic coupling of an active fault system in the western Rift of Corinth, Greece - CNRS, France
2012-2015: DISPERSE - Dynamic Landscapes, Coastal Environments and Human Dispersals - ERC project
2012: IGI-POSEIDON - Geoarchaeological survey along the Greece-Italy pipeline route - DEPA, GR
2013-2016: EMODNET2 Lot 1 Bathymetry - DG MARE EU
2013-2016: EMODNET2 Lot2 Geology - DG MARE EU
2013-2016: EMODNET2 Lot3 Seabed Habitats - DG MARE EU
2014-2015: MEGANISSI: Exploring the submerged caves and prehistoric landscapes of the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, Greece
2014-2015: KILADHA: In search of a submerged Early Neolithic settlement off Frachthi Cave (Greece), using an echo sounder and sub-bottom profiler - Département des Sciences de l’Antiquité, Universite de Geneve
2015-2018: Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Map - University of Southampton
2016: LGT AMORGOS-56: Finding and studying the earthquake-induced landslide which generated the Amorgos 1956 tsunami.- EUROFLEETS2 
2016: LGT Gioia-77: Unravelling the complex dynamics of a human-induced landslide which generated the Gioia 1977 tsunami - EUROFLEETS2
2017: NAFAS : North Anatolian Fault in the Aegean Sea - CNRS France
2017-2019: EMODNET3 High Resolution Seabed Mapping - EASME/EMFF/2016/006
2017-2019: EMODNET3 Lot1 Geology - EASME/EMFF/2016/006
2017-2019: EMODNET3 Lot2 Seabed Habitats - EASME/EMFF/2016/006
2017-2019: HELPOS - Greek Monitoring System of the Lithosphere - ESPA 2014-2020
2019-2021: EMODNET3 High Resolution Seabed Mapping - EASME/EMFF/2018/
2019-2021: EMODNET4 Geology - EASME/EMFF/2018/

Briand, F., Sakellariou, D. & J. Mascle (Editors), 2006: Fluid seepages / mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and adjacent domains. CIESM Workshop Monographs No 29, 2006
Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D. & Locat J. (Editors), 2007: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Vol. 27, 424 pages, 1dvd-rom. Springer 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6511-8 
Bailey, G. N., Harff, J. & Sakellariou, D. (Editors), 2017:  Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes. Coastal Research Library, Vol. 20. Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-53160-1

Recent publication record in Geology - Marine Geology - Tectonics
Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Moretti, I. & Kaberi, H., 2007. Late Quaternary basin evolution of the Gulf of Corinth: Sequence stratigrapgy, sedimentation, fault-slip and subsidence rates. Tectonophysics, 440, p. 29-51.
Sakellariou, D., Lykousis, V., Alexandri, S., Kaberi, H., Rousakis, G., Nomikou, P., Georgiou, P., Ballas, D., 2007. Faulting, seismic-stratigraphic architecture and Late Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of Alkyonides basin – East Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece. Basin Research, 19/2, p. 273-295. 
Sakellariou D., Rousakis G., Kaberi H., Kapsimalis V., Georgiou P., Kanellopoulos Th. & Lykousis V. (2007). Tectono-sedimentary structure and late quaternary evolution of the north Evia gulf basin, Central Greece: preliminary results. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXVII/1, p. 451-462.
Alves, T.M., V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou, S. Alexandri & P. Nomikou (2007). Constraining the origin and evolution of confined turbidite systems: southern Cretan margin, Eastern Mediterranean Sea (34°30-36°N). GeoMarine Letters, 27, p. 41-61 
Lykousis, V., D. Sakellariou, G. Rousakis, S. Alexandri, H. Kaberi, P. Nomikou, P. Georgiou, D. Balas (2007). Sediment failure processes in active grabens: the Western Gulf of Corinth (Greece). In: Lykousis V., Sakellariou D., Locat J. (eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, 297-305, Springer.
Lykousis, V., G. Roussakis and D. Sakellariou (2008): Offshore slope stability analysis of prograding sediment sequences at active margins, W. Greece, NE Mediterranean. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531-008-0329-9
Sakellariou D., Sigurdsson H., Alexandri M., Carey S., Rousakis G., Nomikou P., Georgiou P. & Ballas D. (2010): Active tectonics in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc: the Kolumbo submarine volcanic zone. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLIII, No 2, 1056-1063
Sakellariou D., Fountoulis I., and Lykousis V. (2010): Evidence of cold seeping in Plio-Pleistocene sediments of SE Peloponese: the fossil carbonate chimneys of Neapolis region. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XLIII, No 2, 1046-1055
Sakellariou, D., Rousakis, G., Nomikou, P., Croff Bell, K., Carey, S., Sigurdsson, H., (2012). Tsunami triggering mechanisms associated with the 17th cent. BC Minoan eruption of  Thera volcano, Greece. Proc. 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 17-22, 2012
Nomikou P., Carey S., Papanikolaou D., Croff Bell K., Sakellariou D., Alexandri M., Bejelou K., 2012. Submarine volcanoes of the Kolumbo volcanic zone NE of Santorini Caldera, Greece. Global & Planetary Change, 90–91 (2012) 135–151
Nomikou, P., Papanikolaou, D., Alexandri, M., Sakellariou, D., Rousakis, G., 2013. Submarine Volcanoes along the Aegean Volcanic Arc. Tectonophysics 597–598 (2013) 123–146
Sakellariou D., Mascle, J., and Lykousis, V., 2013. Strike slip tectonics and transtensional deformation in the Aegean Region and the Hellenic Arc: preliminary results. Bul. Geol. Soc. Greece, vol. XLVII, vol. 2, 647-656
Charalampakis, M., Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Papatheodorou, G., Ferentinos, G., 2014. The tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Lechaion Gulf, the south eastern branch of the Corinth Graben, Greece. Marine Geology, 351 (2014) 58–75
Papadopoulos, G., Gràcia, E., Urgeles, R., Sallares, V., De Martini, P.M., Pantosti, D., González, M., Yalciner, A., Mascle, J., Sakellariou, D., Salamon, A., Tinti, S., Fokaefs, A., Camerlenghi, A., Novikova, T., Papageorgiou, A., 2014. Historical and pre-historical tsunamis in the Mediterranean and its connected seas: Geological signatures, generation mechanisms and coastal impacts. Marine Geology, 354 (2014) 81–109 
Beckers, Α., Hubert-Ferrari, Α., Beck, C, Bodeux, S., Tripsanas, E., Sakellariou, D., De Batist, M., 2015: Active faulting at the western tip of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, from high-resolution seismic data. Marine Geology, 360, 55–69
 Nixon, C.W., McNeill, L.C., Bull, J.M., Bell, R.E., Gawthorpe, R.L., Henstock, T.J., Christodoulou, D., Ford, M., Taylor, B., Sakellariou, D., Ferentinos, G., Papatheodorou, G., Leeder, M.R., Collier, R.E.L., Goodliffe, A.M., Sachpazi, M., Kranis, H., 2016. Rapid spatio-temporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth rift, central Greece. Tectonics, 35, doi:10.1002/2015TC004026.
Beckers, A., Beck, C., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Tripsanas, E., Crouzet, C., Sakellariou, D., Papatheodorou, G., De Batist, M., 2016. Influence of bottom currents on the sedimentary processes at the western tip of The Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Geology, 378, p. 312-332.
Beckers, A., Beck, C., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Reyss, J-L., Mortier, C., Albini, P., Rovida, A., Develle, A-L., Tripsanas, E., Sakellariou, D., Crouzet, C., Scotti, O., 2017. Sedimentary impacts of recent moderate earthquakes from the shelves to the basin floor in the western Gulf of Corinth. Marine Geology 384, 81-102.
Sachpazi, M., Laigle, M., Charalampakis, M., Sakellariou, D., Flueh, E., Sokos, E., Daskalaki, E., Galvé, A., Petrou, P., and Hirn, A., 2016. Slab segmentation controls the interplate slip motion in the SW Hellenic subduction: New insight from the 2008 Mw6.8 Methoni interplate earthquake. Geoph. Res. Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2016GL070447, Accepted article online 10 SEP 2016.
Sakellariou D. and Tsampouraki-Kraounaki K., 2016. Offshore faulting in the Aegean Sea: A synthesis based on bathymetric and seismic profiling data. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Vol. L/1, p 124-133.
Sakellariou D., Rousakis G., Vougioukalakis G., Ioakim, Ch., Panagiotopoulos I., Morfis I., Zimianitis E., Athanasoulis K., Tsampouraki-Kraounaki K., Mpardis D. and Karageorgis A.P., 2016.  Deformation pattern in the western North Aegean trough: preliminary results. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, Vol. L/1, p. 134-143, 2016.
Tsampouraki-Kraounaki, K., Sakellariou, D., 2017. Strike-slip deformation behind the Hellenic subduction: The Amorgos Shear Zone, South Aegean Sea. Proc. 8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, p.392-395
Tsampouraki-Kraounaki, K., Sakellariou, D., 2018. Seismic stratigraphy and geodynamic evolution of Christiana Basin, South Aegean Arc. Marine Geology, 399, 135-147
Beckers, A., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Beck, C., Papatheodorou, G., de Batist, M., Sakellariou, D., Tripsanas, E., and Demoulin, A., 2018. Characteristics and frequency of large submarine landslides at the western tip of the Gulf of Corinth, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 1411–1425.

Janin, A., Rodriguez, M., Sakellariou, D., Lykousis, V., Gorini, C., 2019. Tsunamigenic potential of a Holocene submarine landslide along the North Anatolian Fault (North Aegean Sea, off Thasos Island): insights from numerical modeling. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 121–136, 2019.
Sakellariou, D., Tsampouraki-Kraounaki, K., 2018. Plio-Quaternary extension and strike-slip tectonics in the Aegean. In: J. Duarte (Ed.): Transform Plate Boundaries and Fracture Zones, Chapter 14, p. 339-374,, ELSEVIER, 2019, ISBN: 978-0-12-812064-4
Simboura, N., Maragou, P., Paximadis, G., Kapiris, K., Papadopoulos, V.P., Sakellariou, D., Pavlidou, A., Hatzianestis, I., Salomidi, M., Arvanitidis, C., Panayotidis, P., 2019. Chapter 9 – Greece. In: Sheppard, C. (Ed.): World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Volume I: Europe, The Americas and West Africa. 2nd Edition. Paperback ISBN: 9780128050682
Hensen C, Duarte JC, Vannucchi P, Mazzini A, Lever MA, Terrinha P, Géli L, Henry P, Villinger H, Morgan J, Schmidt M, Gutscher M-A, Bartolome R, Tomonaga Y, Polonia A, Gràcia E, Tinivella U, Lupi M, Çagatay MN, Elvert M, Sakellariou D, Matias L, Kipfer R, Karageorgis AP, Ruffine L, Liebetrau V, Pierre C, Schmidt C, Batista L, Gasperini L, Burwicz E, Neres M and Nuzzo M (2019) Marine Transform Faults and Fracture Zones: A Joint Perspective Integrating Seismicity, Fluid Flow and Life. Front. Earth Sci. 7:39. doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00039
Manta, K., Rousakis, G., Anastasakis, G., Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Panagiotopoulos, I.P., 2019. Sediment transport mechanisms from the slopes and canyons to the deep basins south of Crete Island (southeast Mediterranean). Geo-Marine Letters,

Recent publication record in Marine Geology-Geoarchaeology
Sakellariou, D. (2007). Integration of sub-bottom profiling and side scan sonar data in deep water archaeological research: site formation and interpretation of geophysical recordings. SKYLLIS, 8. Jahrgang 2007/08 / H.1-2, p. 155-164
Kapsimalis, V., Pavlopoulos, K., Panagiotopoulos, I., Drakopoulou, P., Vandarakis, D., Sakellariou, D., Anagnostou C., 2009. Geoarchaeological challenges in the Cyclades continental shelf (Aegean Sea). Z. Geomorph. N.F. 53/1, 169-190, Berlin-Stuttgart
Foley, B.P., K. DellaPorta, D. Sakellariou, B. Bingham, R. Camilli, R. Eustice, D. Evagelistis, V. Ferrini, M. Hansson, K. Katsaros, D. Kourkoumelis, A. Mallios, P. Micha, D. Mindell, C. Roman, H. Singh, D. Switzer, T. Theodoulou, 2009. New Methods for Underwater Archaeology: The 2005 Chios Ancient Shipwreck Survey. HESPERIA 78 (2009), pp. 269–305 (publ. by the American Archaeological School at Athens).
Bingham, B., Foley, B., Singh, H., Camilli, R., Delaporta, K., Eustice, R., Mallios, A., Mindell, D., Roman, C., Sakellariou, D., 2010. Robotic Tools for Deep Water Archaeology: Surveying an Ancient Shipwreck with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Journal of Field Robotics, 1–16, DOI: 10.1002/rob.20350, 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Flemming, N., Bailey, G.N., Sakellariou, D., 2012. Migration: Value of submerged early human sites  ( Letter ). NATURE, Vol. 486, Issue 7401, 7 June 2012, Page 34 
Flemming, N.C., Ηağatay, M.N., Chiocci, F.L., Galanidou, N., Jons, H., Lericolais, G., Missiaen, T., Moore, F., Rosentau, A., Sakellariou, D., Skar, B., Stevenson, A., Weerts, H. (2014) Land Beneath the Waves: Submerged landscapes and sea level change. A joint geoscience-humanities strategy for European Continental Shelf Prehistoric Research. Chu, N.C. and McDonough, N. (Eds.) Position Paper 21 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 171 pp. ISBN 978-94-920430-3-0
Bailey, G.N., Deves, M.H., Inglis, R.H., Meredith-Williams, M.G., Momber, G., Sakellariou, D., Sinclair, A.G.M., Rousakis, G., Al Ghamdi, S., Alsharekh, A.M., 2015: Blue Arabia: Palaeolithic and underwater survey in SW Saudi Arabia and the role of coasts in Pleistocene dispersals. Quaternary International 382, 42-57,
Sakellariou, D., Galanidou, N., 2016. Pleistocene submerged landscapes and Palaeolithic archaeology in the tectonically active Aegean region. In:  Harff, J., Bailey, G. & Lueth, F. (eds) 2016. Geology and Archaeology: Submerged Landscapes of the Continental Shelf. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 411, 145–178., first published onJuly 6, 2015, doi:10.1144/SP411.9
Bailey, G., Harff, J., Sakellariou, D., 2017. Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf: An Introduction. In: Bailey, G., Harff, J., Sakellariou, D. (eds): Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf. Coastal Research Library, Vol. 20, p. 1-17,  SPRINGER, ISNB 978-3-319-53160-1
Missiaen, T., Sakellariou, D., Flemming, N., 2017. Survey Strategies and Techniques in Underwater Geoarchaeological Research: An Overview with Emphasis on Prehistoric Sites. In: Bailey, G., Harff, J., Sakellariou, D. (eds): Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf. Coastal Research Library, Vol. 20, p. 21-37,  SPRINGER, ISNB 978-3-319-53160-1
Sakellariou, D., Galanidou, N., 2017. Aegean Pleistocene Landscapes Above and Below Sea-Level: Palaeogeographic Reconstruction and Hominin Dispersals. In: Bailey, G., Harff, J., Sakellariou, D. (eds): Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf. Coastal Research Library, Vol. 20, p. 335-359,  SPRINGER, ISNB 978-3-319-53160-1
Bailey, G., Sakellariou, D., Alsharekh, A., Al Nomani, S., Devès, M., Georgiou, P., Kallergis, M., Kalogirou, S., Manousakis, L., Mantopoulos, P., Meredith-Williams, M., Momber, G., Morfis, I., Pampidis, I., Panagiotopoulos, I., Renieris, P., Rousakis, G., Stasinos, V., Stavrakakis, S., 2017. Africa-Arabia Connections and Geo-Archaeological Exploration in the Southern Red Sea: Preliminary Results and Wider Significance. In: Bailey, G., Harff, J., Sakellariou, D. (eds): Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Cintinental Shelf. Coastal Research Library, Vol. 20, p. 361-373,  SPRINGER, ISNB 978-3-319-53160-1
Sakellariou, D., Lykousis, V., Geraga, M., Rousakis, G., Soukisian, T., 2017. Late Pleistocene Environmental Factors of the Aegean Region (Aegean Sea Including the Hellenic Arc) and the Identification of Potential Areas for Seabed Prehistoric Sites and Landscapes. In: Flemming N.C., Harff, J., Moura, D., Burgess, A., Bailey G. (eds): Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. p. 405-430. Wiley-Blackwell 552 pages June 2017, ISBN: 978-1-118-92213-2
Harff, J., Flemming, N., Groh, A., Hünicke, B., Lericolais, G., Meschede, M., Rosentau, A., Sakellariou, D., Uscinowoicz, S., Zorita, E., 2017. Sea level and climate. In: Flemming N.C., Harff, J., Moura, D., Burgess, A., Bailey G. (eds): Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. p. 11-52. Wiley-Blackwell 552 pages June 2017, ISBN: 978-1-118-92213-2
Surdez, M., Beck, J., Koutsoumba, D., Sakellariou, D., Birchler E.P., Vogel, H.,  Anselmetti, F.S., 2018. Sedimentary response to Holocene sea-level rise in Kiladha Bay, Greece: Implications for coastal sedimentology and archaeological reconstructions. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s00015-018-0309-4, published online 3 May 2018
Momber, G., Sakellariou, D., Rousakis, G., Bailey, G.N. The multi-disciplinary search for underwater archaeology in the southern Red Sea. In: Rasul, N.M.A. & Stewart, I.C.F. (eds): Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea, Chapter 27, p. 609-632, ISBN 978-3-319-99407-9,
Sakellariou, D., Rousakis, G., Panagiotopoulos, I., Morfis, I., Bailey, G.N. Geological structure and Late Quaternary geomorphological evolution of the Farasan Islands continental shelf, south Red Sea, SW Saudi Arabia. In: Rasul, N.M.A. & Stewart, I.C.F. (eds): Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea, Chapter 28, p. 633-656, ISBN 978-3-319-99407-9,
Geraga, M., Sergiou, S., Sakellariou, D., Rohling, E. Results of micropalaeontological analyses on sediment core FA09 from the southern Red Sea continental shelf. In: Rasul, N.M.A. & Stewart, I.C.F. (eds): Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea, Chapter 32, p. 713-728, ISBN 978-3-319-99407-9,
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