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Position: Technician Under Contract
Expertise: Technician
Premises: athens
Unit of Ecotoxicology of the Institute of Oceanography of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR).

Mr. Nikolas Kouerinis, Technician (Analyst) of the Lab since 2004.
Preparation and analysis of samples  toward specifying the concentration of heavy metals within marine organisms and quality control of the analytical methodology.  Handling of the corresponding instruments (Atomic Absorbtion Sprectrophotometer, freeze-drying ή lyophilization., digestion in Microwave oven, homogenizing pulverizer), responsible for the instrument preservation and monitoring of the Lab. Archiving the results of the measurements, participation in sampling cruises onboard of the Research Vessels of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR), R/V Aegaion and R/V Filia as well as onboard of hired boats for nearshore measurements. Organization of field work and insitu monitoring. Participation into HCMR’s Education, Health Emergency and Fire Emergency units. 
Telephone: (0030) 2291076362
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