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Position: Technical Scientist Under Contract
Expertise: Physicist
Premises: athens
Dimitris Kassis - PhD in Physical Oceanography

Professional Experience & Skill
Since 2007, a scientific associate of the Institute of Oceanography of HCMR and member of “POSEIDON” operational system scientific team. Involved in several national and EU multidisciplinary research and operational projects focusing on infrastructure, ocean circulation, biochemical distribution, data management and quality control procedures. Monitoring and maintenance of multi-parametric moored stations and implementation of Argo floats. Several papers also published in scientific journals, national and international conferences and workshops.

Participation in European and International organizations, scientific and technical working groups
Since 2008 participating in several organization and consortiums such as EuroGOOS, MOON and MedGOOS. Member of EuroGOOS DataMEQ WG, OceanSITES DMT and involved in other JCOMMOPS initiatives like WMO-IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP). Participation and contribution to the Euro-Argo ERIC, principal coordinator of EuroArgo RISE H2020 project for HCMR. Has been a member of POSEIDON scientific team since 2007, and since 2012 managing Greek Argo activities whilst, since 2017 is working in parallel for the Greek MSFD implementation activities for D.11 (underwater noise).

Other research activities
Completion of many research cruises with HCMR’s R/V “AEGEO” and “FILIA”. Has been a member of HCMR’s operational oceanography department calibration team and HCMR’s scientific diving team.
Telephone: (0030) 2291076414
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