Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (2008/56/EC; 2017/845/EC)

MSFD map

The I.O. coordinates the National Monitoring Programme for assessing the ‘Good Environmental Status’ (GES) in the Greek Seas, ‘Monitoring the status of marine sub-regions in Greece’. The Institute leads the monitoring and assessment of Descriptors D2: Alien species, D4: Foodwebs, D5: Eutrophication, D6: Seafloor integrity, D7: Hydropgraphic Conditions, D8: Contaminants, D9: Contaminants in seafood, D10: Anthropogenic Litter, D11: Noise, and has a strong participation in D1: Biodiversity.

The I.O. has an advisory role providing scientific support to the Ministry for the Environment and Energy, on all issues related to the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Greece.

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